[VAL BADIA, ITALY] — An overview of hiking in Alta Badia Italy and the Fanes-Senese-Braies Nature Reserve in the Dolomites. Best hikes Alta Badia. And hiking from San Cassiano and best hikes Italian Dolomites. Fanes-Senese-Braies. I know that’s a mouthful. But I didn’t name it. The Fanes–Senes–Braies Natural Park. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. I’ve seen it called Nature Reserve, Natural Park and Nature Park… like everything around here, it has three or more names. I’m going with Natural Park. The Dolomites are aren’t just one range, but dozens. Kinda confusing really, trying to piece it all together. It’s all called “Dolomites” or “Alto Adige” and “Süd Tyrol” … and in a part of Italy that was once part of Austria. Some people here speak
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