[FERNANDO DE NORONHA, BRAZIL] — It had rained all morning. I was driving like a mad man in my bumble-bee colored dune buggy, down a rutted muddy road to a clearing on the edge of a steep cliff. Not intentionally crazy, mind you, but out of necessity. The little dune buggy was so small and my legs were so long that my knees straddled the teeny rubber steering wheel. I had to steer with my arms between my legs, crab-like. Nearing the edge of the cliff, I had to slam on the brakes with all my power to slow down, not just because of the slippery mud, but because they brakes had as much grip as if I was rubbing a Teva sandal directly on the
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[SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL] — On a long trip to the island of Fernando do Noronha off the coast of Brazil , I had a quick overnight in São Paulo. It was a very quick trip stopover coming and going, both on Sunday nights when many things are closed so I didn’t get to see a lot in a short amount of time, but there are my favorite things I found. Here’s my take on spending a quick 36 Hours in São Paulo. What to do in São Paulo. Where to stay in São Paulo. Where to eat in São Paulo. ___________________________ I remember my first trip to Brazil in the mid-90s, working for a Swedish printing press manufacturer as a freelance marketing consultant. At the
[SAO PAULO, BRAZIL] — Nicely tucked into the leafy Jardins neighborhood is the famous restaurant Figueira Rubaiyat, an outdoor restaurant set under about the biggest tree I’ve ever seen — a 200 year old banyan tree planted in the 1890s. Review Figueira Rubaiyat Sao Paolo. Figueira Rubaiyat is the best steak restaurant in Sao Paolo. And one of the best restaurants Jardins in Sao Paolo. There must be seats for a couple hundred people underneath its limbs, with an ingenious glass canopy built under it all. I first noticed it while taking a short walk from the Fasano, right around the corner and instantly knew I had to come back. I was there over a Monday lunch, and as I sat there a host of
[BAHIA, BRAZIL] — Here’s my overview of Trancoso, the former fishing village, then turned international hippie community in the 70s, then Trancoso turned into an international bohemian beach town on the coast of Bahia in Northeast Brazil. Trancoso sits above some of the best beaches in Bahia and all of Brazil. ____________________________ Trancoso–a Former Fishing Village, Now an International Destination I’d read about Trancoso for some time, it just kept popping up in the right places. But when I was in a small Uruguayan hotel and met a photographer from Wallpaper who had just come from a week-long shoot there, he said it was one of the coolest places he’d been, I knew I had to go. So I did. A once-isolated fishing village in
[BUZIOS, BRAZIL] — Buzios is the perfect Brazilian beach town. It was a small fishing village until Bridget Bardo put it on the map in the 60s. Since then it has become a world-wide destination, mostly because of its perfect bay and surrounded by 23 amazing, pristine beaches. Here’s a quick overview of what to do in Buzios and where to stay in Buzios. Only 173km from Rio, only about 2.5 hours drive, it has become a favorite resort for the fashionable, with a quaint little cafe-line downtown village, villas dotting the coastline. I was there for a few nights way back in 2004, before digital cameras, so I only have bad scans from old print film, so forgive the photo quality. I was just
[PARATY, BRAZIL] — Here’s a quick overview of Paraty, the perfect Dutch colonial town just a few hours drive from Rio and Sao Paolo. It’s so perfectly preserved and looks like you’re on a movie set. The stone lined streets are dotted with cute galleries and simple restaurants, but the best thing to do in Buzios is to take an all day schooner ride along Brazil’s stunning Costa Verde coast. Stopping along the way to snorkel, take a schwimbob or swim into shore and have a fabulous lunch in a beach shack. I was there way back in 2001, before digital cameras, so I only have bad scans from old prints. Paraty and Ihla Grande as part of Brazil’s stunning 325 mile long Costa