[ATACAMA DESERT, CHILE] — Here’s my post on all the best hikes in the Atacama Desert. By the best guides in the Atacama Desert from Tierra Atacama luxury adventure hotel. The Atacama Desert. The Driest Place on Earth. Good lord, as soon as I heard that, I knew I had to go. Nestled in the upper right corner of Chile — one of the longest and skinniest countries in the world — is this freak of nature, the driest place on our planet. It’s only a few hundred miles from the Pacific, but has some areas with no registered rainfall since they started measuring such things, over 400 years. It’s also the oldest desert on earth, been rain-less for close to 3 million years. I love
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[SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA, CHILE] — Here’s my review of Tierra Atacama, the best adventure hotel to explore the Atacama Desert. Located in San Pedro de Atacama, the Tierra Atacama is the best all-inclusive hotel to explore the Atacama Desert. ______________________________________ Chile is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, that few people know about. Dramatic, jaw-dropping landscapes and massive natural parks. Chile has been the leader in preserving their amazing natural wonders and packaging them up with adventure tour packages, made easy with outstanding hotels like the Tierra, Explora, or totally luxe Awasi, which is more for millionaires. All three brands have sister hotels in both the Atacama Desert, Patagonia and other regions (like the Lake District or Easter Island). I chose